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Saturday, October 25, 2008

dove hunting

alan, larry, grayson, me, and my parents went dove huniting on opening day at my aunt elaine's ranch in ranger, texas. we had so much fun and we even got a few dove. elaine and dave made us feel at home and cooked breakfast for us and let us join in skeet shooting. i didn't get any pictures of alan and larry b/c they were already in their "hunting" spots when i got the camera out.

here are the totals:
alan: 7 : his goal was 10 so he got close! he definitely did better than last year.
grayson: 0 : of course - he's a baby.
larry: 0 : it was a new gun so that is ok!
jennifer 3 my first time to actually get any - i was so excited!
daddy 4 i almost beat my dad! i think i surprised him.

1 comment:

Welch Family said...

I love that top picture of Grayson- SO CUTE!!!