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Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
let me start off by saying that i love the cowboys. i love watching football and i have wanted to go to a game for as long as i can remember. thursday night alan said i could open a present early. i opened it and it was a pair of binoculars. i was like thanks?! then he gave me an envelope and it had tickets to sunday's game against the giants! i was so surprised and excited. i can't believe he bought the tickets in october and kept the secret that long. i have the best husband ever!
the game was so much fun. i was surprised at how loud the fans are - through the ENTIRE game. we yelled on every giants third down, kickoff, punt, field goal, etc. it was a blast! then on the way out to the car everyone was still fired up and yelling. it was crazy. when we got to the game it was seventy three outside and when we got back in the truck it was like forty three degrees. it was all worth it though because the cowboys won!
grayson is nine months old
grayson is nine months old today. he is 29 inches tall and weighs 21 lbs 6 oz. he is such a joy. words cannot express how fulfilling and happy and proud that he makes us! we love him so much.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
my birthday
i had so much fun on my birthday. grayson woke me up bright and early and then alan gave me tickets to the mavericks game that night. i went to lunch with my mom, leslie, and melissa to rosa's. lona and my mom made me a cake and the girls at work had a giant chocolate chip cookie cake thing.
at the mav's game it was so cold that it started snowing! the game went into double overtime and they ended up losing to the spurs. but it was a lot of fun - thank you alan.
i got to celebrate with my family on saturday night at my parents house. alan grilled steaks and my mom cooked. jill brought the cutest cake ever!

Sunday, December 7, 2008
visiting the knights
Saturday, December 6, 2008
de la hoya fight
alan asked me during the week if he could invite a few people over to watch the de la hoya fight. i said sure - a few people - no big deal. it turned into a lot of people coming over and it was a really fun night! de la hoya lost just like we thought he would! alan made elk chili, elk steaks, antelope steaks and a whole lot of other sides ( i think he really enjoys entertaining)!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
a visit from the sablatura's
alan's aunt joyce and uncle charles came up from georgetown to visit. we spent the evening introducing them to the wii, visiting, and enjoying the first ever fire at our house (in the fireplace).
Thursday, November 27, 2008
happy thanksgiving
we have so much to be thankful for: God, family, friends, each other, a healthy baby, freedom, health, etc. i could go on and on!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
little tony romo
grayson went to work dressed up as cowboys quarterback tony romo! we tried to wrap up his pinky finger but he didn't like it so we just settled for this....
later we got to hang out with coby and brian. we went to dinner and then handed out candy to trick or treaters!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
this is a statue of billy the kid in hamilton, tx. we stopped for a picture op on our way to diamond j's annual celebration!

dove hunting

alan, larry, grayson, me, and my parents went dove huniting on opening day at my aunt elaine's ranch in ranger, texas. we had so much fun and we even got a few dove. elaine and dave made us feel at home and cooked breakfast for us and let us join in skeet shooting. i didn't get any pictures of alan and larry b/c they were already in their "hunting" spots when i got the camera out.
here are the totals:
alan: 7 : his goal was 10 so he got close! he definitely did better than last year.
grayson: 0 : of course - he's a baby.
larry: 0 : it was a new gun so that is ok!
jennifer 3 my first time to actually get any - i was so excited!
jennifer 3 my first time to actually get any - i was so excited!
daddy 4 i almost beat my dad! i think i surprised him.

happy birthday daddy and mammaw
my dad's birthday and my grandmother's birthday are both on october 4th so we always celebrate them together. this year we had celebrated at el fenix. happy birthday!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
grayson's first sleepover
grayson stayed overnight at larry and evelyn's house for the first time on 10/17. i'm pretty sure he didn't miss alan and i at all! we missed him though. i knew he was in good hands but i just like seeing him and playing with him so it was a little hard. it was odd not having to think about diapers, and feeding schedule, and things like that. it was definitely nice to have a break and to be able to sleep in with my hubby! thank you evelyn and larry!
grayson update
our baby is growing so fast. he is in 12-18 month clothes now and is crawling all over the place. he loves peek-a-boo and peeking around objects. he has a big smile that lights up his whole face! his favorite place at work is asleep is in his grandpa's arms listening to him sing "you are my sunshine." he giggles when i read to him and looks at every page intently. he loves going to work with me and getting to see his daddy during the day. we are so blessed!

fishing at hamm's creek
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